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Hastags What Are They How Do I Use Them

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Some people seem to be a bit confused on hashtags, what they are and how to use them, I was the same when I ventured into the computer world and learning how to interact on the social networks too, so as many have had questions, I thought I'd post it here and instead of retyping it over and over post it in a blog and direct them here or use the link as reference. I'm not the best at explaining things, so I hope it doesn't only confuse you further. I will explain it to the best of my knowledge:

HASHTAGS: Someone said they were confused about hashtags, look at them this way,

The hash tag symbol # tells the computer and the search engines hey here is the keyword you are looking for. It's keywords just like you use on FAA when uploading an image just has to be typed or shown to the computer in a different format for twitter and some other search engines to recognize it. It's simply keywords in a little different format, just like you put "fine art" in your keyword list when you upload a new image, for a hash tag you do the same thing with the hash symbol in front and leave the space out between the word, it's just keywords used the same way you use them on FAA but with the symbol added at the beginning and the space between phrase words removed, i.e. Fine art, art work, for sale, etc etc) would be in hasttag terms #fineart #artwork #forsale etc etc. The hashtag words have to run together for the that particular search engine to recognize both words, on faa the search engine has to see a space between the words to recognize both words) Just the way different search engines recognize different ways of saying "hey this is a key word for your searches if you need it"

TWITTER Where to put hash tags when sharing post from the promotion on twitter: Twitter posts are limited by characters and the number you can put in there that is what the little countdown number thingy is on the bottom right of the little share box you use to post with. if it has a minus you have to remove something to get it down to zero or have characters left to use or it wont post, you can remove some of the stuff to make room for hash tags or to make room if someone has an excessively long title also, if it says minus in the box, you have to remove something to make room. The only part that HAS to stay is the title part, (that is the code that links you back to the image and where it is stored). but you can remove anything prior to or after the title code linking information, and reuse the space.

This is the way it looks to you in the twitter box and where you need to remove stuff to have room to add other stuff:

I uploaded new artwork to! >> - 'Bloomin' Kiss' - (.html is the end of the title coding) now you can also remove this >>>> via @fineartamerica

When you remove these two areas you created all that room to add something new in there. Once you have everything deleted out but the title information part, go to the end of the title and add in the hash tags you want the search engine to pick up on, it's that simple.

This is a good way to use it if you are sharing your own work: If you post your own image to twitter use the space prior to the title to say something catchy, "Hey check this beauty out ! or "On Sale Now" then use a couple of hash tags at the end after the title coding. It's a great place to put your address so it brings them back to your private website rather than to the main page on FAA. Be creative with the space you make in those boxes, it pays off. Think business when you use these boxes and use the space like a salesperson, look at it as what it is.... a promotion opportunity.

For google plus you paste the hashtag info in the box above where the image shows. It's like a little comment box above the image you are sharing. If you don't have hash tags to paste in there, then you have to type your own, place a hashtag symbol first then start typing the keyword you want your hash tag to represent. As you start typing another box with suggestive key words will pop up you can choose from that list or you can just keep typing and go on to the next hash tag you don't have to use the suggestive ones, although most listed are quite helpful and helps you from typing so much once you get the hang of using it.

For Pinterest just copy and paste what they have left for you in the promo thread and paste it in the box and post. The usualy way is the title first followed by the name of the artist and then the hash tags at the bottom.